Home > Notizie > Announcement of Selection for “external expertise for performing the ex ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment of the 2014-2020 programming period of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Croatia 2014-2020”

Announcement of Selection for “external expertise for performing the ex ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment of the 2014-2020 programming period of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Croatia 2014-2020”

Creato il:  14 Marzo 2014

Formez PA – Centro servizi, assistenza, studi e formazione per l’ammodernamento delle P.A.
Viale Marx 15 – 00137 – Rome Italy
Fiscale Code 80048080636-VAT 06416011002
Announcement of Selection for
“External expertise for performing the ex ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment of the 2014-2020 programming period of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Croatia 2014-2020”.
CIG Code 55307241D4
Art. 1
Formez PA – Centro servizi, assistenza, studi e formazione per l’ammodernamento delle P.A. (thereinafter referred to as “FORMEZ P.A.), on behalf of the Abruzzo Region – Direction for Presidency Affairs, Legislative and Community Policies, Programming, Territorial Cooperation Service - IPA Adriatico, Managing Authority of IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013, invites the interested parties to submit a written proposal for performing the exante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment of the 2014-2020 programming period of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Croatia 2014-2020.
The Terms of Reference (ToRs) aim to set the framework for the ex-ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment of the aforementioned programme in accordance with the Regulatory Framework (described in the ToRs at point 1.1).
Tenderers are invited to apply in accordance with the provisions of these ToRs.
Please refer to the following Annexes:

Annex 1  ToRs Ex ante evaluation ENG - word

Annex 2  Sworn Declaration for tenderers not registered in Italy point 6 A 2 ENG - word

Annex 3  Declaration for tenderers not registered in Italy point 6 A  ENG - word

Annex 4  Sworn Declaration financial and human resources for tenderers not registered in Italy ENG - word

Annex 5 - Technical capacity form for tenderers not registered in Italy ENG - word

Annex 6 – Documentation of the tenderers ENG - word

Annex 7 - Financial Identification Form ENG - word

Clarifications & FAQ
Submitting the offer implies the integral and unconditioned acceptance of the content of this tender and the related Annexes.
Art. 2
Duration of contract
The period of implementation of the contract will be from its signature until one month after the approval of the OP by the European Commission.
The Contracting Authority may, at its own discretion and upon request of the Italy-Croatia Task Force, extend the contract duration and/or scope, subject to the availability of funding up to a maximum not exceeding the length and value of the initial contract. Any extension of the contract would be subject to satisfactory performance by the Contractor (According to Art. 266.1 lett. c) of Reg. 1268/2012).
Art. 3
Starting price
The contract value cannot exceed EUR 50.000 excluding VAT.
Tenders exceeding the aforementioned amount shall not be accepted.
Art. 4
Deadline for the submission of offers
Tenders must be delivered for receipt before 3 April 2014 at 1.30 p.m. Rome time.
They must be sent by recorded delivery (official postal service) OR by hand delivery (including courier services) directly to the Contracting Authority against a signed and dated receipt (Monday to Thursday from 9.30 am to 5 pm.  Friday from 9.30 am  to 1 pm) at the following address:

Formez P.A. Centro servizi, assistenza, studi e formazione per l'ammodernamento delle P.A. – Ufficio Procedure Competitive Bandi e Gare
Viale Marx, 15
00137 ROMA (ITALY)

Please refer to art.5 of ToRs.
Art. 5
Competitors may ask Formez PA for information at the following e-mail address: ipaadriatic@formez.it. The Head of Procedure is Ms Lucia Santuccione.
Art. 6
This Announcement of Selection will be published in Formez PA website (www.formez.it). Links will be created to  the following websites: Dipartimento per le Politiche di Sviluppo e Coesione  (www.dps.gov.it) – IPA Adriatic CBC Programme (www.adriaticipacbc.org) – Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds (www.mrrfeu.hr - www.strukturnifondovi.hr), INTERACT    Programme (www.interact-eu.net) – Regione Abruzzo (www.regione.abruzzo.it) Regione Veneto (www.regione.veneto.it).
Art. 7
Informative note ex art. 13 of legislative decree 196/03
According to art. 13 of legislative decree 196/2003, FORMEZ PA, the Data Controller, informs that the details provided by each tenderer shall be utilised for the purpose of participating in this selection, as well as for the possible sealing of the contract. The data processing shall be also conducted with the aid of computerized procedures, according to the ToRs as specified to pursue the aforementioned purpose, also for contingent communications to third parties. The conferral of this data is necessary to appraise the participation requirements, and failing to indicate them may impede this appraisal. The heads of the Organisational Units and those in charge who perform within the Organizational Units - to whom the aforementioned purposes are functionally assigned - may be those to learn about the personal details referred to. The head of the Organizational Unit Legal Affairs, who is domiciled in Viale Marx, 15 - 00137 ROME to this intent, is responsible for data processing. The updated list from the other heads can be viewed to the Office of the Head of the Organizational Unit Personnel Administration. Candidates may exercise the rights as in art. 7 of legislative decree 196/2003 providing, among others, to obtain the deletion, adjustment and update of data. These rights may be exercised by referring to the Data Controller or the Data Processor.
Carlo Conte

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Data pubblicazione: 
Giovedì, 13 Luglio, 2017 - 12:28